Who We Are
The Mission of National 7002 (Formally Section 8002) Impacted Schools is to secure federal funding which reimburses eligible districts for tax revenue lost (for student programs) due to the federal governments removal of land from the local tax roles; such revenue to be used for the public education of students.
Secure 100% funding for the 7002 (Formally Section 8002) program
Guiding Principle
- 7002 (Formally Section 8002) Impact Aid Funds will be distributed in a fair and equitable manner
- Membership in 7002 (Formally Section 8002) will be expanded
- No decision will financially destroy or severely harm any district
Secure funding to increase the 2009 appropriations for Section 7002 (Formally Section 8002) to $104,208,335, which would bring it to a funding level of one-third of our entitlement over the next ten years.
- Develop the strategy that will cause the achievement of this goal
- Enhance communications among 7002 (Formally Section 8002) districts
- Enhance communication with members of Congress
- Work with the leadership of other NAFIS groups to form a unified front to speak with one voice
- Cultivate leadership from within the 7002 (Formally Section 8002) group
- Assure continued reauthorization of the 7002 (Formally Section 8002) Impact Aid Program
- Broaden participation by increasing membership and encouraging active participation by current members
Action Items/Activities
*As outlined in Operational Plan
Click here to learn about the history of the FLISA
Executive Board
Click here to view our executive board
Click here to view our past presidents