Executive Board
Tom Schneider—FLISA Executive Director
Cathie Peznoski—Bookeeper
FLISA Executive Board (voting members) consists of:
Frank Sheboy—President
March 2026—Past-President thru March 2028
Highland Falls School District, NY—Frank.sheboy@hffmcsd.org
Christine Walker—Vice-President
March 2026
Hueneme School District, CA—cwalker@hueneme.org
Jerry Ellender—Treasurer
March 2025
*Retains Non-Voting Member-at-Large Status after this appointment **Appointed to complete term
Mad River Schools, OH—Jerry.ellender@madriverschools.org
Stephanie Long—Secretary
March 2025 **Appointed to complete term
Leland School District, MI—slong@lelandschools.com
Mary Ticknor–Advocacy Chairperson
March, 2026
Lemont High School District, IL—mticknor@lhs210.net
Bob Reichert–Membership Chairperson
March, 2026
Hatboro Horsham, PA—Rreichert63@gmail.com
Mark Cross–Messaging Chairperson
March, 2026
Cass School District 63, IL—mcross@cass63.org
Non-Voting Members-at-Large:
Wes Eversole–Member-at-Large
Lake Dallas ISD, TX—weversole@ldisd.net
Terry Tamblyn Tom Madden Sandy Doebert
Craig Hutcheson Cathie Peznoski Tom Davenport
Tom Schneider Bob Reichert Mark Naugle